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Level 1

Entry to Sport and Uniformed Services Level 1 Certificate


This combined course will introduce you to the field of Sports and Uniformed Services and help you to gain the knowledge to choose a career path into either industry. The course is designed to help you develop your interests into passions, and help you to improve towards your future goals.

With a perfect balance of practical lessons and in class instruction, you will be encouraged to improve yourself by experiencing new activities such as Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking, Hill Walking, along with all the favourite classic Sports. In the classroom you will be learning how to improve your personal skills that will enhance your suitability to apply for a role in the Services, or go on to be a Sports coach!


If you are interested in Sport and Public Services, outdoor activities and recreation, then we are keen to meet you! Applicants will be invited into for an informal interview/chat to make sure we are the right fit for you as a course.


Our range of leisure and hobby courses keeps growing, with even more fun and exciting courses starting throughout 2025.

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