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Travelling to College

To get to the campus, it’s only a 5-minute walk from Chichester train station and bus station. Over two thirds of our students travel to the campus by train or bus. The campus is also easy to get to by road, as it’s just off the A27.

This photo shows 4 students walking into the main entrance to Chichester College. There are a couple other students stood around too.

Chichester College campus is accessible by car, bus, train or by foot

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information supplied is correct at the time of publication. Students and their parent/carers should check with service providers to ensure that published costs and timetables are current and correct.

Chichester College

For a detailed view of the campus, take a look at our dedicated campus map, which you can download to your phone.

If you are at the front of the college via Swieqi Road, our car parking map will guide you to the rear car park.


Westgate Fields
West Sussex
PO19 1SB


01243 786321

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