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Level 4+

Operations Manager Level 5 Apprenticeship


Equivalent to a foundation degree, this strategic course is essential for middle managers. The latest version, 1.4, has been revised to reflect current needs including data analysis, available technologies and AI. By the end of the course, managers will be able to perform the 14 Occupational Duties listed on the IFATE website.:

Operations manager / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education

This is a blended course delivered by subject specialist tutors over 19-months in term time, with monthly face-to-face workshops at Chichester College, monthly remote tutorials (via MS Teams), and access to a wealth of online resources from the Chartered Manager Institute (CMI.)

On completion of the on-programme element, apprentices will go through Gateway to commence the 5-month End Point Assessment. This includes a Written Project Report and Presentation with Questions of a work-based project, and to showcase Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours via a Professional Discussion.

In your contracted hours, you will need a minimum of 8 hours every week of the course for study and to maintain your Learner Journal in OneFile.


Anyone who holds a Level 3 management qualification, but not a Level 5, and is on a suitable job role.

Operations Managers perform leadership and management duties with teams and senior managers to ensure that teams fulfil their roles and meet organisational goals. They are essential to all business models that have an operational area or department with a workforce to lead, manage, and support.


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