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Level 3

Advanced and Creative Hair Professional L3 Apprenticeship Standard


Advanced and Creative Hair Professionals are creative, passionate, and driven professionals who work without supervision, managing themselves and others when required. They provide a quality service, whilst working to the highest standards and continuously developing their personal and professional skills. An Advanced and Creative Hair Professional works in the hair industry, which is one of the largest, most trusted and fashion forward professions. They take ownership of their work and client lists, accept responsibility, are proactive, flexible and adaptable, plan their work and time, they aim for excellence by taking exceptional pride in their work and industry. The work environment can be varied in size, style and ambiance, from a bespoke salon, the media industry, cruise ships, product houses and manufacturers to luxury high-end hair salon. They are highly skilled and experienced individual professionals who deliver hair fashion forward trends, which are innovative styles inspired by current images and their own creativity, individual flair, imagination and interpretation.

An Advanced and Creative Hair Professional:

  • demonstrates professionalism by maintaining confidentiality and discretion
  • researches fashion forward trends, using the results to create, plan and promote a collection of hairstyle looks that reflects their own individuality
  • analyses the factors that influence the design and creation of the collection of hairstyle looks, including the target audience
  • designs a range of looks to create a fashion forward collection of hairstyle looks
  • maintains effective and safe methods of working
  • uses and adapt a range of sectioning and cutting guidelines, creative and precision techniques and technical skills to create and enhance the collection of hairstyle looks
  • carries out precision and personalised cutting tailored to individual client characteristics
  • formulates imaginative creative advanced colour conversion services to change the depth and tone of the hair
  • uses a range of creative finishing and dressing techniques, advanced creative colouring techniques to enhance the collection of hairstyle looks
  • presents, showcases and promotes their skills though their collection of hairstyle looks via a variety of media types and platforms
  • provides a smoothing strengthening service to clients
  • carries out in-depth consultation and complex analysis of the hair
  • uses and applies the products, tools and equipment, in accordance with legal requirements, manufacturers’ instructions and salon policy
  • provides advice on future services and products
  • evaluates the results of the service to improve further practice

Typical Job Roles: Creative hair stylists, Advanced senior stylists, Senior hair professional or Specialist technicians


Anyone working in a hair and beauty company, whose job role meets the course specification.

See full specification here: – Advanced and creative hair professional / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education


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