Our range of leisure and hobby courses keeps growing, with even more fun and exciting courses starting throughout 2025.
Sociology is the study of society. You will explore social relations and social groups. You will learn to develop a critical examination of societies and acquire a critical awareness of British Society and the forces that shape it. In Year 1 you will look at the Family and its relation to society and Education and Research Methods – how education functions in our society. Alongside this topic you will study how sociologists carry out research. It is an exciting and vibrant course for those with active minds, willing to explore how the modern world we live in has developed.
5 GCSE grade 9/A* – 4/C to include English Language and Maths. It is important to enjoy writing and have an active mind to explore different interpretations. You will also be required to complete a GCSE to A Level Transition Project, prior to enrolment, to prepare you for A Level Sociology.
This is a broad based subject that forms the basis for many different career paths from the Police Force to Teaching, Justice, Social Work, Healthcare and Administration, Human Resources, Family Support Work, Probation Officer, Marketing, Social Work and many more.
This is a two-year linear A Level where you are examined on the whole syllabus at the end of the second year. Each project is assessed as a portfolio of work. Paper 1 – Education with Theory and Methods. Paper 2 – Families and Households and Beliefs in Society. Paper 3 – Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods. To prepare you for external exams, you will carry out a programme of weekly tests, exam style assessments and Formal Progress Points where you will monitor your attendance, how hard you are working and your academic progress. All Year 1 students will progress through a Year 1 Gateway that will allow you to progress to Year 2.
You will be required to buy your own textbooks, stationary and any subject-related equipment.