Chichester College student excels in national competition

A bright Chichester College student has been announced as runner up in a national psychology competition, organised by qualification provider, Eduqas.
Second year A-level Psychology student, Tia Cooper, took the second-place spot along with a £50 voucher for herself and an additional £50 voucher for the college psychology team.
The competition saw students create a poster showcasing original ideas for psychology research, with Tia using six categories on her poster to show her work, with a section each for an introduction, hypothesis, methodology, ethics, procedures and importance.
The 17-year-old said: “It feels good to come runner up. I wasn’t expecting it. I wanted to do something on ‘positive psychology’ because it was a bit more interesting, then I made a mind map and different ideas came to me.
“I think it’s very relevant because after my research I found violence really prominent right now, especially in young people so I thought it’s relevant to research, similarly in mindfulness because it’s so new and ‘positive psychology’ is a newer approach and there’s more research that can be done in that area.”
Tia has applied for four medicine courses and one psychology course, with higher education now her main focus.
Chichester College psychology lecturer, Sebastian Siemieniec, said: “I’m really proud of Tia and it makes me so proud to have a very clever student in my class.”
Tia, who plans to become a doctor or a psychiatrist said: “I think it’s very relevant right now because after my research I found violence’s really prominent right now especially in young people so I thought it’s relevant to research, similarly in mindfulness because it’s so new and positive psychology is a newer approach there’s more research that can be done in that area.”