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Level 3

Access Diploma in Healthcare Professions [Progress to study Midwifery, Nursing, Paramedic]


This is an intensive yet rewarding course which is intended to provide a qualification equivalent to A-level (level 3), recognised by universities as sufficient for entry to healthcare-related degree courses such as midwifery, nursing, paramedic science and physiotherapy.

The course has outstanding success rates.

Teachers are positive and passionate to provide the best possible experience and support.

There are two subject areas, namely Human Physiology and Professional Health Studies & Psychology.

Five reasons why you should apply for this course:

  • This course and the College have been found to be outstanding by Ofsted in 2014, and again in 2020.
  • The teaching team are highly experienced and specialise in supporting mature students by 100% on-site classroom teaching.
  • You will study all subjects with the same class of students, made up entirely of aspiring healthcare professionals like you.
  • We have the perfect timetable, of two whole days on campus per week, optimized for the needs of mature students.
  • The vast majority of our students will progress to study their degree course of choice at university.

You will also be developing a wide range of academic study skills on the course, from essay writing to using ICT, leading you towards the Independent Academic Study unit, where you will have the chance to experience what producing a dissertation will be like, once you move onto university.


This course is designed for those wishing to progress onto a career in healthcare, such as midwifery and nursing. You must be over 19 on the 1st September and must have a minimum GCSE grade C (Grade 4 or above) in English Language and Maths. You will also be invited to an interview with a course teacher, where we discuss your progression and how we can meet your individual needs in order to achieve this.

It is also important to ensure you will realistically be able to manage the course workload alongside any other commitments in your life. Being a mature student is extremely challenging but also highly rewarding if taken up at the right time and with the right plans and support in place. You will need approximately 30 hours per week (term time) to manage the course workload.


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